Perito Urology Announces Publication of Manuscript in International Journal of Impotence Research

Dr. Perito and the team at Perito Urology proudly announce the publication of a new manuscript which is now available in print format in the International Journal of Impotence Research. “The Nuances of Infrapubic Incision for Inflatable Penile Prosthesis” is a follow up study to the previous printed manuscript “Unexpected Nuances of the Penoscrotal Inflatable … Read more

MASTER CLASS IN ANDROLOGY “All you can EAT: European Andrology Training Facing the Covid Era!”

The European Association of Urology invited Dr. Perito along with his colleagues Dr. David Ralph, Dr. Gabriele Antonini, Dr. Joseph Torremade, and Dr. Andrea Cocci, to give a Master’s Class in Penile Prosthesis Surgical Techniques. “I am pleased that there is a resurgence of the infrapubic approach across the globe.” Operating and teaching in Coral … Read more

AAU/EUS Arab Association of Urology VIRTUAL PRESENTATION – Infrapubic Implant Technique: “The Perito Implant”

Dr. Perito had the distinct honor of speaking at the 9th Emirates International Urological and 17th Annual Arab Association of Urology Hybrid Conference! The conference was attended virtually and in person by urologists and healthcare providers hailing from Dubai, UAE. Dr. Perito gave his presentation about the use of his world-famous technique, The Perito Minimally … Read more

Dr. Perito, Panelist in Webinars on Telemedicine and Emerging from Covid-19

Covid-19 webinar

April 17 /May 26, 2020 During the COVID-19 pandemic physicians were faced with challenges on how to work-up, follow-up, and consult with patients who had recently undergone surgery, those forced to reschedule, and those interested in surgery who could no longer meet face to face with their physicians.  Adapting to the changing environment was essential … Read more

Dr. Perito as Faculty – Advanced IPP Webinar

Advanced IPP Webinar

April 24, 2020 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Coloplast Advanced IPP Surgical Skills workshop in Tampa, Florida had to be postponed.  Given the uncertainty of timing and unknown reschedule date Coloplast shifted their approach and created a virtual Advanced IPP Webinar.  This course was designed for mid-level to experienced penile implanters … Read more

MTP #49: IPP Surgery Demonstration for the Layman

MTP #49: IPP Surgery Demonstration for the Layman

In the 49th episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Paul Perito demonstrates the placement of an inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) and explains the procedure and the anatomy in a way that is immediately accessible to any patient and/or non-medical professional. Perito Urology puts a premium on education for patients and other doctors alike, and this … Read more

MTP #47: Diabetes and Penile Implants

MTP #47: Diabetes and Penile Implants

In this episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Perito describes the considerations for penile implant surgery for diabetic patients. Dr. Perito uses a minimally invasive implant via an infrapubic approach that minimizes the reliance on hemoglobin A1C, which is a major consideration for more invasive forms of surgery recovering longer recovery times.

Dr. Perito and Dr. Suarez-Sarmiento published in the Textbook of Male Genitourethral Reconstruction

The team at Perito Urology was happy to announce the first publication of their chapter in the Textbook of Male Genitourethral Reconstruction. In this chapter, we briefly review the development of the infrapubic approach to implantation of the inflatable penile prosthesis. With intra-operative photos and illustrations, we discuss the surgical steps. We also highlight patient … Read more