“Penile Surgery: Cosmetic & Functional Safety and Efficacy”

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation

Dr. Perito presented “Penile Surgery:  Cosmetic & Functional Safety and Efficacy” at the ISCG, International Society of Cosmetogynecology Meeting 2018 In Las Vegas, NV – Jan 28-29, 2018 The International Society of Cosmetogynecology is the world’s first and largest association of gynecologic specialists in female cosmetic medicine and surgery.  During this meeting Dr. Perito presented the state-of-the-art treatments for erectile … Read More

Perito Urology Participates in Penile Prosthetics Lab

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation, penile implant

Perito Urology participated in a surgical skills didactic session and a lab on penile prosthetics January 12-13, where we hosted 19 residents and five faculty. “Coloplast hosted their annual Residents and Fellows Surgical Skills Workshop in Miami on January 12-13th.  19 of the top residents and fellows dedicated to the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction gathered at Perito Urology and … Read More

Perito Urology ends 2017 with 50th Educational Program of the Year

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation, IPP Technique

50th Training

December 15, 2017 Perito Urology hosted five international physicians from Colombia and Chile on December 15th, completing its 50th educational program of 2017. With urologists from Latin America, we performed 11 penile implants and shared war stories of the implants past.  One thing is really apparent, all cultures enjoy good sex and would do just about anything to have it!  … Read More

Dr. Perito comments on “The PENIS Book” by Dr. Aaron Spitz

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation, erectile dysfunction, penile implant

December 2017 Let my start by saying the penis is funny! What many do not know about Aaron Spitz, MD, chief representative for America’s urologists to the American Medical Association, is that he once was a stand-up comedian and a good one. This adjunct to his training courses smoothly through The Penis Book making it a must-read for anyone who finds … Read More

Abstracts Presented at American Urological Association Annual Meeting

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation

June 10, 2015 Dr. Perito participated in the study of the following abstracts presented at the AUA 2015 Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA: “Improved Infection Outcomes After Mulcahy Salvage Procedure and Replacement of Infected IPP with Malleable Prosthesis” “A Review of Microorganisms Isolated at Salvage or Explant of IPP’s: Are we Covering the Correct Bugs?” “The Carrion Cast: An … Read More

In May 2014 Dr. Perito and Perito Urology hosted doctors from Italy and Brazil

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation

During the month of May Dr. Perito hosted two Italian Physicians from Rome, Italy.  Dr. Guiseppe Gentile and Dr. Gabriele Antonini, who spent 2 days shadowing Dr. Perito as he examined and diagnosed several patients with advanced stage ED offering the Inflatable Penile Implant as a treatment option.  The Italians also attended 2 days of surgical training where Dr. Perito … Read More

Dr. Perito Presents “The Perito Implant™” at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery’s 2014 Annual Meeting at The Westin Diplomat, Hallandale Florida – January 14th thru 19th, 2014

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation, penile implant

On Saturday Morning January 18, 2014 Dr. Perito presented his Minimally Invasive Technique on Penile Implantation in front of an audience of Doctors and Cosmetic Surgeons from around the World.  During this meeting Doctors discussed new advancements in treatments involving Men’s Sexual Health and Erectile Dysfunction as well as cosmetic procedures for the penis.  He also visited Doral Surgical Center’s … Read More

Dr. Perito Proctors a Surgical Workshop in Rome with SAPIENZA Universita Di Roma at the 3⁰ Workshop di Chirurgia Andrologica Complessa (3⁰ Andrology Surgery Complex) Centro Congressi Dipartimento di Science Odontostomatologiche (Science Convention Center) Rome, Italy – November 28-29, 2013

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation

Dr. Perito traveled to Rome over Thanksgiving to train a group of Italian Doctors on his Minimally Invasive Penile Implant Technique.  This training event with SAPIENZA – The University of Rome, allowed a group of Italian Doctors to experience hands-on techniques designed by Dr. Perito to perfect his Minimally Invasive Infrapubic Penile Implant Technique.  This event combined Live Surgery with … Read More