Perito Urology ends 2017 with 50th Educational Program of the Year

50th Training

December 15, 2017 Perito Urology hosted five international physicians from Colombia and Chile on December 15th, completing its 50th educational program of 2017. With urologists from Latin America, we performed 11 penile implants and shared war stories of the implants past.  One thing is really apparent, all cultures enjoy good sex and would do just … Read more

Dr. Perito featured in Colombia’s Policia Nacional Publication

Dr Perito in Colomboa

“Pioneros en Sur America en emplante de protesis peneana por via infrapubica” featured Dr. Perito as a pioneer in bringing his minimally invasive infrapubic implant technique to Colombia for the first time. To see the translation, see below: “As interest in “different” or “novel” approaches to penile implant surgery abound, Colombia’s Excelencia Magazine and Dr. … Read more

Dr. Perito’s Minimally Invasive IPP Technique Showcased for Surgeons in Rome

Urologist Dr. Gabriele Antonini hosted a surgical skills workshop and cadaver lab on the Minimally Invasive Infrapubic Penile Implant Technique pioneered by Dr. Perito in Rome on October 21st, 2017. The infrapubic penile implant technique was developed and designed specifically to minimize time and maximize efficiency in the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction. Dr. Perito … Read more

El Implante Perito® Presentado a Urologo’s en Cuba

El Dr. Gabriele Antonini ha comenzado a entrenar a urólogos y cirujanos en La Habana, Cuba en el implante de pene inflable de tres piezas desarrollado y pionero por el Dr. Paul Perito. Este procedimiento conlleva un riesgo significativamente menor de infección y complicación que otras técnicas de implante de pene, ya que se realiza … Read more

The Perito Implant® Introduced to Urologists in Cuba

Dr. Gabriele Antonini has begun training urologists and surgeons in Havana, Cuba in the three piece inflatable penile implant developed and pioneered by Dr. Paul Perito. This procedure carries a significantly lower risk of infection and complication than other penile implant techniques as it is performed through the lower abdomen rather than through the penis … Read more

Dr. Perito Attends & Proctors Surgical Workshop in Colombia

July 13-14 Dr. Perito attended and proctored a surgical skills workshop with Dr. Cesar Augusto Gonzalez Encinales in Bogota, Colombia at the Urologia y Andrologia Hospital Centra Policia Nacional This surgical skills workshop, directed and produced by Dr. Cesar Augusto Gonzalez Encinales, comprised multiple speakers with expertise in Men’s Health and the surgical treatment of … Read more

Dr. Perito’s Commentary on Recent Prostate Cancer Study

A recent publication, “Follow-up of Prostatectomy versus Observation for Early Prostate Cancer” (Wilt, TJ, et al), raises the ongoing question regarding patient outcomes during the era of aggressive treatment for prostate cancer and how that compares to “watchful waiting.’ The article does offer exceptional insight into the broad choices facing patients and their physicians, but … Read more