Dr. Perito Attends Colombian Urologic Conference

During the week of August 13-17, 2019, Dr. Perito had the extreme pleasure of traveling to Barranquilla, Colombia to partake in the LIV Congreso Curso Internacional de Urologia. The LIV conference is hosted by the Sociedad Colombiana de Urologia, and Dr. Perito was truly honored to be one of their keynote Speakers.

He gave 3 presentations updating the Urology community on the advances of penile prosthesis implementation. The first was an update on the future of Penile Cosmetics, tips and techniques for treating Peyronie’s disease, as well as an informative talk about common pitfalls and difficulties during IPP surgery.

Penile cosmetics is becoming a global phenomenon and being able to openly discuss the future of this industry on a global platform will further help its evolution. Dr. Perito has been collaborating with Colombian Urologists for years, and this week allowed him to meet so many new emerging physicians. The Perito Team was blown away by all the great presentations and Dr. Perito looks forward to attending several more of these wonderful conferences.