Dr. Perito’s Manuscript on Peyronie’s Disease Accepted for Publication

Dr. Perito’s co-authored manuscript titled:  Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Placement, “Scratch Technique”, and Postoperative Vacuum Therapy as a Combined Approach to the Definitive Treatment of Patients with Peyronie’s Disease was accepted for publication in the Journal of Urology. “Dr. Antonini and his staff a Sapienza University in Rome pushed this manuscript through the Journal of Urology doing … Read more

Dr. Perito Manuscript on Inflatable Penile Implants Accepted for Publication

June 19, 2018 Dr. Perito’s co-authored manuscript titled Biomechanical Comparison of Inflatable Penile Implants: A Cadaveric Pilot Study was accepted for publication in the Journal of Sexual Medicine’s July 2018 edition. “I can’t believe the Journal of Sexual Medicine actually published this article after having so many reviewers on board, but, good hard science is hard … Read more

Dr. Perito Presents a Course on Penile Implants in San Francisco

Dr. Perito at AUA in San Francisco

Dr. Perito attended the American Urological Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting, where he taught and presented a course on penile implants and prosthesis to an audience of urologists from all around in the world. The meeting was in San Francisco from May 18-20. The presentation was titled “When Experts Struggle in the OR: Difficult Cases and … Read more

Dr. Perito Presents His Penile Implant Technique at Surgical Skills Workshop

March 9-10, 2018 Dr. Perito Presented his “Minimally Invasive Infrapubic Penile Implant” procedure during a Coloplast Advanced Surgical Skills Workshop at the CAMLS LAB in Tampa, FL. “My favorite part of this event was the “cage match” with Dr. Carrion featuring Infrapubic vs. Penoscrotal.  He won and I believe it was the home field advantage!  … Read more

Dr. Perito Presents 10 Pointers on Prosthetic Excellence

Dr. Perito attended the 21st ISSM, World Meeting of the International Society of Sexual Medicine where he presented “10 Pointers on Prosthetic Excellence” in Lisbon, Portugal – March 5, 2018 “One would think I would get tired of talking about our minimally invasive penile implant.  In fact, every time I attend a conference with my … Read more

MTP #3: Which Penile Implant Approach is Best?


In the episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Paul Perito is joined by friend and colleague Dr. Gabriele Antonini to answer the question “which approach to a penile implant is best?” The doctors discuss the three primary methods in use, being the infrapubic approach, the penoscrotal approach, and the subcoronal approach as well as why … Read more

Perito Urology ends 2017 with 50th Educational Program of the Year

50th Training

December 15, 2017 Perito Urology hosted five international physicians from Colombia and Chile on December 15th, completing its 50th educational program of 2017. With urologists from Latin America, we performed 11 penile implants and shared war stories of the implants past.  One thing is really apparent, all cultures enjoy good sex and would do just … Read more

Dr. Perito featured in Colombia’s Policia Nacional Publication

Dr Perito in Colomboa

“Pioneros en Sur America en emplante de protesis peneana por via infrapubica” featured Dr. Perito as a pioneer in bringing his minimally invasive infrapubic implant technique to Colombia for the first time. To see the translation, see below: “As interest in “different” or “novel” approaches to penile implant surgery abound, Colombia’s Excelencia Magazine and Dr. … Read more

Dr. Perito’s Minimally Invasive IPP Technique Showcased for Surgeons in Rome

Urologist Dr. Gabriele Antonini hosted a surgical skills workshop and cadaver lab on the Minimally Invasive Infrapubic Penile Implant Technique pioneered by Dr. Perito in Rome on October 21st, 2017. The infrapubic penile implant technique was developed and designed specifically to minimize time and maximize efficiency in the surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction. Dr. Perito … Read more