Dr. Perito featured in Miami’s TALK Magazine
8/4/16 Dr. Perito was featured in a recent issue of Miami’s TALK magazine – click here to see the full article.
8/4/16 Dr. Perito was featured in a recent issue of Miami’s TALK magazine – click here to see the full article.
July 11, 2016 Dr. Paul Perito hosted a Urolift training event for physicians from Mexico City. Urolift is known as a ‘sex friendly’ treatment for BPH, or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. “Our counterparts in Mexico are always ahead of the learning curve with any new advances in urology. The first ‘sex friendly’ treatment for BPH, Urolift, … Read more
Dr. Paul Perito appeared in the June / July issue of the Spanish language magazine Imagen (“Imagine”) in an article titled Errecciones Fuertes y Duraderas (“Strong and Lasting Erections). In the article, Dr. Perito discussed the usage of penile implants to treat erectile dysfunction. To read the article, click here.
July 7 – 10, 2016 Dr. Perito won the award for “Best Male Enhancement” at the 2016 Aesthetics Convention in Las Vegas, NV, where he presented the Perito Injection for Girth and GirthMax™. “Michael Moretti put on one the most innovative medical conventions I have ever had the pleasure to present at. His group combined … Read more
Analysts forecast global penile implants market to grow at a CAGR of 1.58% during the period 2016-2020 are missing the mark! This estimate grossly underestimates the true potential for growth in the penile implant industry. With 20 to 30 million men in the US suffering from different degrees of erectile dysfunction, patient awareness of treatment … Read more
“Growth Factors for the treatment of ED Peyronie’s, Atrophic Vaginitis, and many other malaises is the new hot topic in urology. Gabriele Antonini joins our ranks as the premiere Men’s Health Center offering this new technology.” – Dr. Paul Perito http://www.adnkronos.com/salute/medicina/2016/05/28/italia-punturine-rigenerative-contro-disfunzione-erettile_A17gdLKbOwYGoqR1f77I6K.html http://m.ilmessaggero.it/salute/news-1762050.html http://m.ilmattino.it/societa/articolo-1762076.html http://m.leggo.it/societa/articolo-1762064.html
“After working with us in Miami, Gabrielle and Enrico made their way back to Italy where they will be presenting our work on prosthetics. The ongoing union between Perito Urology and Antonini Urology continues to be fruitful with daily advances in prosthetic urology.” -Dr. Paul Perito Check out the upcoming Symposium where Dr. Antonini will … Read more
April 13, 2016 “Dr. Cisneros and his peers are the group for men’s health in Mexico. We performed a Coloplast Penile Implant and a Urolift on two patients while I was there and their team and hospital were something to marvel! This is the beginning of a long and successful venture with my friends in … Read more
Drs. Perito and Sarmiento were featured on Buenos Días América, where their world-renowned abilities with penile implants were discussed at length. See the video below:
Dr. Perito was featured in a recent Coloplast video where he discussed the quality of life issues surrounding erectile dysfunction, and how a penile implant can help restore sexual performance and confidence. To see the video, click here.