Dr. Perito Presents a Course on Penile Implants in San Francisco

Dr. Perito attended the American Urological Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting, where he taught and presented a course on penile implants and prosthesis to an audience of urologists from all around in the world. The meeting was in San Francisco from May 18-20.

The presentation was titled “When Experts Struggle in the OR: Difficult Cases and Steering Clear of Trouble in Prosthetic Surgery,” with a corresponding course called “Paradigm Changes in 40-Year-Old Operation: Inflatable Penile Prosthesis.”

“Discussing Transparency in medicine takes on a new level of importance in the case of Trump.  I truly enjoyed speaking to peers regarding evidence based determination and how we as a group can incorporate them.

Dr. Wilson brought together a program that I hope fed the urologic desires of implanters wanting to improve their prosthetic skills.  3 different characters and opinions but spot on SKW!” – Dr. Perito

Dr. Perito teaches penile implants