Dr. Perito’s Commentary on Recent Prostate Cancer Study

A recent publication, “Follow-up of Prostatectomy versus Observation for Early Prostate Cancer” (Wilt, TJ, et al), raises the ongoing question regarding patient outcomes during the era of aggressive treatment for prostate cancer and how that compares to “watchful waiting.’ The article does offer exceptional insight into the broad choices facing patients and their physicians, but does not address the psychological toll watchful waiting has on any given patient.

Of course, that toll would also need to be compared to the psychological stressors related to post-operative urinary incontinence and impotence. In addition, if a patient does choose to undergo a prostatectomy, he should be made aware of the manifold treatment options available allowing him to resume a normal life after surgery.

In 2017, no man should suffer from ongoing adverse events relating to the surgical treatment of prostate cancer.