MTP 74: Which Penile Implant Technique Best Conceals Tubing?

MTP 74

One question we often receive is whether or not there’s a specific type of penile implant that best conceals tubing. While Perito Urology performs hundreds of infrapubic penile prosthesis procedures (IPP) each year, the fact of the matter is that any dedicated implanter, using any kind of approach (IPP, penoscrotal or sub-coronal) will be able … Read more

MTP #64: Penile Implant Surgical Techniques

MTP 64

In this episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Paul Perito responds to a viewer question about a claim made by another urologic surgeon indicating that a vertical penoscrotal approach to penile implants is superior to the infrapubic or subcoronal approaches. Dr. Perito explains that the methodology used is less important overall and that patients can … Read more

MTP #39: The Infrapubic vs. The Penoscrotal Approach

In the latest episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Perito is joined by two colleagues to discuss the benefits of the minimally invasive infrapubic approach to penile prosthesis. The doctors all agreed that the infrapubic approach is the most patient-friendly method of surgery in that it has a low recovery time and high satisfaction rate.