MTP #57: “The Exercise” Following Penile Implant Surgery

MTP 57

In the latest episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Paul Perito demonstrates the exercise he recommends his patients perform regularly following penile implant surgery. By using this process, the patient receives improved results with inflatable penile implants, including the restoration of appearance and function. For more information, please contact us today!

MTP #55: Post-Operative Care Following a Penile Implant

Post-operative care following penile implant surgery

In this episode, Dr. Paul Perito discusses the concerns and symptoms of someone who was experiencing complications following a penile implant performed by another surgeon. The patient in question now has floppy glans syndrome and an implant pump placed higher than they preferred. Dr. Perito addresses these concerns, and advises that while penile implant surgery … Read more

MTP #53: Girth Enhancement Surgery

Penile Girth Enhancement

The week, Dr. Perito discusses a topic that he has been passionate about for several years: penile girth enhancement. As penile cosmetics become increasingly popular, Dr. Perito takes an in-depth look at the current treatment options available for men who wish to add a little more girth to their penises. The future of penile enhancement … Read more

MTP #49: IPP Surgery Demonstration for the Layman

MTP #49: IPP Surgery Demonstration for the Layman

In the 49th episode of Meet the Penis, Dr. Paul Perito demonstrates the placement of an inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) and explains the procedure and the anatomy in a way that is immediately accessible to any patient and/or non-medical professional. Perito Urology puts a premium on education for patients and other doctors alike, and this … Read more