El Implante Perito® Presentado a Urologo’s en Cuba

El Dr. Gabriele Antonini ha comenzado a entrenar a urólogos y cirujanos en La Habana, Cuba en el implante de pene inflable de tres piezas desarrollado y pionero por el Dr. Paul Perito. Este procedimiento conlleva un riesgo significativamente menor de infección y complicación que otras técnicas de implante de pene, ya que se realiza … Read more

The Perito Implant® Introduced to Urologists in Cuba

Dr. Gabriele Antonini has begun training urologists and surgeons in Havana, Cuba in the three piece inflatable penile implant developed and pioneered by Dr. Paul Perito. This procedure carries a significantly lower risk of infection and complication than other penile implant techniques as it is performed through the lower abdomen rather than through the penis … Read more

Dr. Perito Attends & Proctors Surgical Workshop in Colombia

July 13-14 Dr. Perito attended and proctored a surgical skills workshop with Dr. Cesar Augusto Gonzalez Encinales in Bogota, Colombia at the Urologia y Andrologia Hospital Centra Policia Nacional This surgical skills workshop, directed and produced by Dr. Cesar Augusto Gonzalez Encinales, comprised multiple speakers with expertise in Men’s Health and the surgical treatment of … Read more

Press Releases for PRP and our alliance bringing the novel adjunct for the treatment of ED to Spain with Alessandro Oliver, MD

November 2016 Drs. Perito and Antonini experienced significant news coverage  following their alliance with Dr. Alessandro Oliver to bring the novel adjunct for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction to Spain – see the articles below: http://www.actasanitaria.com/hospital-la-luz-realiza-tratamiento-sin-cirugia-la-disfuncion-erectil/ http://www.infosalus.com/asistencia/noticia-llega-espana-tratamiento-cirugia-disfuncion-erectil-20161123151254.html http://www.canarias7.es/articulo.cfm?Id=442679 http://www.lainformacion.com/salud/especializaciones-medicas/infiltracion-disfuncion-resultados-extraordinarios-cirugia_0_974603648.html http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/salud/noticias/7980057/11/16/La-infiltracion-de-plasma-celular-trata-la-disfuncion-erectil-con-resultados-extraordinarios-y-sin-cirugia.html

Dr. Perito was Faculty and Lab Instructor at the 2016 SMSNA Meeting and SUPS Lab in Scottsdale, AZ

November 3-6, 2016 “This was a busy meeting for Perito Urology.  With the help of many coauthors, we presented 10 abstracts related to decreasing infections in implant patients, correcting anatomical problems with the glans after surgery, sex-friendly treatments for prostate disease and much more. The Masters in Prosthetic Urology Course and Lab may have been … Read more

Dr. Perito Attends and Presents at 3 International Symposium on Penile Prosthesis

November 7-12 Dr. Perito attended the 3 rd International Symposium on Penile prosthesis, La Coppia E L’Universo Maschile, where he Presented his Minimally Invasive Penile Implant Technique, “Scratch” Technique for Peyronie’s Disease, and Performed Live Surgery with Dr. Gabrielle Antonini in Rome, Italy. “Once again, Dr. Gabriele Antonini, Sapienza – University De Roma and many … Read more

Sexual Medicine Society of North America Accepts Several Abstracts Co-Authored by Dr. Perito

September 15, 2016 The 2016 Sexual Medicine Society of North America (SMSNA) has accepted several abstracts co-authored by Dr. Perito for moderated poster and oral presentations. Oral Podium Presentation: “The Efficacy of Durasphere as a New Agent for the Treatment of Hypermobile Glans” Moderated Poster Presentation: “A Retrospective Analysis of the Influence of High Dose … Read more

Dr. Perito featured in Spanish Magazine “Imagine”

Dr. Paul Perito appeared in the June / July issue of the Spanish language magazine Imagen (“Imagine”) in an article titled Errecciones Fuertes y Duraderas (“Strong and Lasting Erections). In the article, Dr. Perito discussed the usage of penile implants to treat erectile dysfunction. To read the article, click here.