Dr. Perito Moderates Penile Prosthetic and Physician Education Dinner

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation, penile implant

Dr. Perito Moderated a Physician Education Dinner Discussion on Educational Updates and Physician Feedback regarding Penile Prosthetics and Physician Education and Training – November 8, 2018 

Dr. Perito moderated a dinner discussion on Updates and Feedback relating to surgical techniques in penile prosthetics, and practices that can reduce risk of infection and post-operative pain.  In attendance were over 40 doctors that Dr. Perito has trained over the last 10 years.

“In summary, the worlds elite penile implanters were all in the same room sharing ‘war’ stories and having a great time.  Those that could not make it to the event were greatly missed because we are truly one team serving our patients.” – Dr. Perito