MTP 90: Penile Implants 101

Dr. Paul Peritoeducation, Meet the Penis, penile implant

Urologic surgeon and penile implant expert Dr. Alfie is featured in ‘Meet the Penis’ 90 (MTP 90) where he dives into the topic of penile implants. 

He breaks down basic terms and concepts for patients considering implant surgery at Perito Urology. We call this segment Penile Implant 101. 

The infrapubic technique: Unlike a traditional penoscrotal approach which requires incisions on the scrotum, the infrapubic technique utilized at Perito Urology only uses one incision about two centimeters above the penis. 

This method has several benefits including improved recovery time, less scarring, and a quicker time back into the bedroom.

In terms of the penile implants themselves, there are two main types of implants. 

  1. Three Piece Inflatable Penile Implant
  2. Two Piece Semi-Rigid Malleable 

The two-piece semi-rigid malleable is straightforward. It doesn’t require any additional counseling or training; it’s bent up for use and bent down when not in use. 

Once you’re given the go-ahead by your urologist, you can resume sexual activity without any maintenance. 

The three-piece inflatable penile implant consists of cylinders in the penis, a pump in the scrotum, and a fluid reservoir filled with salt water. 

The inflatable penile implant gives patients a penis that is rigid enough for intercourse and penetration (also known as the penetrating penis) and at Perito Urology in Miami, we use the “Coloplast Titan” in 95 percent of our cases because of its reliability and effectiveness.

Immediately after penile implant surgery, patients will go home with a JP drain, also known as Jackson-Pratt, which is essential for releasing excess blood and irrigation fluid for the first 72 hours. Proper use of this drain is crucial for optimal outcomes. Improper use can delay healing by one to two weeks. 

Next, we teach patients to “pull down on their pump” at least three times a day, giving ten pulls each time (without hurting yourself). This maneuver prevents the pump from riding up during the healing phase and once the staples are removed on post-op Day 14, you won’t need to do this anymore. 

Once you’ve been given the green light, we’ll teach you how to “cycle the implant.” This means inflating the implant to maximum capacity and then deflating it. Each inflate and subsequent deflate counts as one cycle. 

Cycling twice daily means inflating and deflating it on two separate occasions. This will be a crucial component of your rehab for the first three months.

We also have a technique called “The Exercise” which helps maximize the length of the implant and penis.

“The Exercise” is a complement to the polyurethane cylinders that want to grow and expand symmetrically. This simple maneuver can significantly enhance results and help in terms of penile length loss due to erectile dysfunction. 

Once you’re cleared for sex, cycling the implants is the only maintenance required.

Cycling the implant a few times per week will help maintain the flow of the saltwater in your device and prevent episodes of the pumping feel too hard due to the pressure coming from the reservoir above.

Remember, the best exercise for your penile implant is going out and using it.

For more information, contact us, or check out the full Meet the Penis playlist.