Penile Implant Patient: “This is everything I had dreamed of and more.”

Dear Dr. Perito,

As of April the 14th it will be a year since my implant surgery. […] I need to tell you how things have gone this last year.

[quote_content]Your implant went very well physically. No infection, no problems at all. Your staff is superb and the hospital experience was good beyond description.[/quote_content]

Your implant went very well physically. No infection, no problems at all. Your staff is superb and the hospital experience was good beyond description. Seriously! I’m not being polite, I mean that. A local doc up here is familiar with you and his description of your office was “a well oiled machine.” Whoever described it is right… This is everything I had dreamed of and more.

It had been about 20 years since I was fully able. I did not realize how much it had affected my life and outlook in general. I was never a macho man, just a regular guy with an average factory worker’s life. Unfortunately I had truly become an impotent old man, not just physically, but also in my approach to life in general. How sad. It had been such a gradual thing that I’d failed to recognize it. During this last year my self worth and confidence has been restored. I see life differently today. I have regained confidence in ways that I’d never imagined. Yes, the world is still going to hell in a hand car at a very rapid rate, but, I can deal with it. I am strong, and confident, and able. I am whole again. I will turn 70 years old this year, but I believe my health in general has improved. Internal happiness can do a lot for one’s overall health. I am still trying to figure out just how your repair changed things that much. I hoped to have loving times again, but never expected the magnitude of life changes. Perhaps it is a component of self worth being restored. I really cannot pin it down exactly yet, but it is good, very good, whatever it is. I don’t know how many of your other patient’s lives have been as dramatically affected as mine has, but I’d guess many, and all to some degree. Do you ever stop and consider just how much you change people’s lives? I hope so. It is a great and important gift you have. Very few can do it so well.

There is one problem though. How can I sufficiently express my gratitude to you? Unfortunately, I’m not a financially wealthy person, for if I were I’d certainly send you a bundle. As it is… all I can do is to say most sincerely… THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!!!! You’re a wonderful, caring person and a most capable physician!

I truly, truly appreciate all you have done for me,

JH – Ft. Walton Beach, FL