Dr. Perito Presents Penile Girth Enhancement at AACS Annual Meeting

January 12, 2016

Dr. Perito presented the Perito Penile Injection for Girth at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery’s 32nd annual scientific meeting at the Westin Diplomat in Hollywood, Florida earlier this month.

The Perito Penile Injection for girth (GIRTHMAX™) has been an international collaboration between Perito Urology and colleagues abroad in Italy and Spain. Previous “practices” for penile girth enhancement have proven inadequate. Using a proprietary filler to complete the girth enhancement PeritoUrology has experienced physiologic resilience to compression, something the penis hopes to see every day. The bioelasticity of the material renders the penis with a natural feel both in the flaccid and tumesced state. Through a series of penile injections our patients have experienced safe and lasting results with outstanding cosmetic appearances.
