Dr. Paul Perito Chairman of the “2nd International Symposium on Penile Prosthesis Rome 2015"

 University of Rome “Sapienza” Aula Mario Tacciuoli, Rome, Italy – June 11th-12th, 2015

Dr. Perito was chairman for a program at the University of Rome “Sapienza”, and a Penile Implant Surgical Workshop at hospital – Vialedell Universita 31-33, Rome on June 11-12, 2015 in Rome, Italy.

“Dr.’s Antonini and Gentile hosted one of the most stimulating conferences on prosthetics I have been to in some time.  Between the “crossfire” type panels and live surgery every surgeon had their opportunity to stand on their soap box and share both old and new ideas.  This is Dr. Antonini’s second to at what appears to be a gratifying annual tradition.  I was brought to the edge of tears with an honorarium from the Pope declaring me a “Master of Teaching” from the University of Rome “Sapienza”, the second oldest and largest university in the world.  I must add that because of inclement weather I missed a private meeting with Pope Francis on the day of my arrival.  God works strange ways!” – Dr. Perito
