Dr. Perito Proctors a Surgical Workshop in Rome with SAPIENZA Universita Di Roma at the 3⁰ Workshop di Chirurgia Andrologica Complessa (3⁰ Andrology Surgery Complex) Centro Congressi Dipartimento di Science Odontostomatologiche (Science Convention Center) Rome, Italy – November 28-29, 2013

Dr. Perito traveled to Rome over Thanksgiving to train a group of Italian Doctors on his Minimally Invasive Penile Implant Technique.  This training event with SAPIENZA – The University of Rome, allowed a group of Italian Doctors to experience hands-on techniques designed by Dr. Perito to perfect his Minimally Invasive Infrapubic Penile Implant Technique.  This event combined Live Surgery with Live Questions and Answers broadcast to an auditorium filled with Andrologists.  During this trip Dr. Perito also proctored a panel to discuss advancements in Penile Implantation.

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