


为考虑在 Perito Urology 接受可屈性阴茎植入的患者作出的准确描述。

Malleable Implant可屈性阴茎假体是一种手术装置,它使阳痿男性可以勃起。可屈性假体由两根既硬又有柔韧性的圆管组成。所有部件都隐蔽在体内,从外面无法看出。



利用与微创阴茎假体植入术 (Perito Implant™) 相同的原理,我们可以通过阴茎底部两英寸的切口来植入阴茎假体圆管。这项手术可以在全身麻醉、脊髓麻醉或局部麻醉下安全地实施,耗时不到 15 分钟。手术可采取门诊形式或留院过夜形式,具体取决于哪一种形式对患者最安全并且最方便。

通常情况下,患者可以在 4 至 6 周之后恢复性生活。


The Three Piece Inflatable Penile Prosthesis – An Accurate Description for Patients Considering The Perito Implant®.

Inflatable Penile ImplantAn inflatable penile implant is a surgical device that allows an impotent male to have an erection by transferring fluid from one part of the implant to another.  The three-piece penile implant comprises three components:  cylinders, pump and a reservoir.  Generally, all components are concealed within the body and cannot be seen from the outside.

The penile implant cylinders reside in the penis on either side of the penis.  No tissue is removed to place the cylinders; the cylinders simply fill spaces that previously filled with blood, when one was potent, with saline (sterile salt water) providing a physiologic erection.  The cylinders do not disrupt the flow of urine or ejaculate.  The cylinders do not alter the sensation of the penis.  The cylinders also do not affect tumescence of the glans (i.e. head) of the penis.

Saline needed to fill the cylinders resides in a reservoir situated behind the abdominal wall muscles.  Unless one has had previous pelvic surgery the reservoir cannot be detected.  If the patient has had previous pelvic surgery the reservoir might be palpable and even visually detectable if the patient is slim, like a small pacemaker.

In order to transfer fluid from the reservoir to the cylinders and create an erect penis the patient must compress a pump located in the scrotum.  The pump will be positioned in the middle of the scrotum and in the most dependent part of the scrotum allowing for easy manipulation.  The number of pumps required to provide a full erection varies and is dependent on the size of the penis.  Like all pump devices (e.g. bicycle pump), the penile implant pump will become harder to pump at capacity.  This is good and patients are encouraged to use two thumbs to provide the maximum erection.

A penile implant will provide a patient with an erection for as long as the patient desires.  The patient can orgasm and continue with sexual intercourse if so desired.  The patient determines when he wants the penis to be flaccid.  The penile implant, once inflated, can only be deflated electively.  This can be accomplished by compressing a deflate bar located above the pump while at the same time compressing the penis, thus transferring saline from the penis back to the reservoir.

Using the minimally invasive penile implant technique (The Perito Implant®), we are able to implant all the aforementioned components through a one-inch incision above the penis where the pubic hair resides similar to the smallest hernia repair.  There will be no incision on the penis or the scrotum.  The procedure can be performed safely under general, spinal or local anesthesia in less than 15 minutes.  The procedure can be outpatient or overnight depending upon what is both safest and most convenient for the patient.

Normally, patients can resume sexual activity between 3 and 6 weeks.

"You performed a "Miracle" on me on Feb 10th (will be 6 wks ago this Wed.).  All systems are functioning as designed.  I consider myself so blessed and fortunate to find you at a time in my life where I was about to give up (in many ways).  I could not be happier or more amazed with the results!!!  May God continue to bless you and all those that assist you."
-DW, Santa Rosa Beach, FL

What Is Sex Like With an Inflatable Penile Prosthesis?

When the penis is inflated, the prosthesis makes the penis rigid, similar to a natural erection.  A penile prosthesis does not change sensation on the skin of the penis or a man's ability to reach orgasm. Ejaculation is not affected. Once a penile prosthesis is put in, however, it may destroy the natural erection reflex thus resulting in a loss of that “blood rushing to the penis” effect.  The implant renders one with a penetrating penis, it does not cause swelling (tumescence) of the head (glans) of the penis.

What is Life Like with an Inflatable Penile Prosthesis?

We at PERITO UROLOGY have yet to find a hobby, sport or past-time by which the implant precludes your participation.  We have rock climbers, equestrians, motorcyclists, body builders and many more patients who have successfully undergone placement of the penile prosthesis.  The implant does not set off security alarms at airports or guarded buildings.  Our patients, once healed, proceed with a normal active lifestyle if so desired.


Dr. Perito 与来自意大利和西班牙的医生合作创立了第一种使用透明质酸填充剂的阴茎增粗方法,该方法将摆脱外壳手术室的限制。

Perito Penile Injection(Perito 阴茎内注射增粗术)是 PeritoUrology 与意大利和西班牙同事通力合作的产物。先前的阴茎增粗“实践”业已被证明效果有限。借助于使用专利填充剂来完成阴茎增粗,PeritoUrology 发现阴茎对于压迫出现生理性反弹,这是患者每天美梦以求的事。弹性材质可赋予松弛和勃起状态下的阴茎以自然感。通过一系列的阴茎注射,我们的患者看到了安全和持续的效果,并达到了卓越的整形效果。


阴茎畸形恐惧症既是功能问题,也是美学问题。Dr. Perito 在其早期的阴茎假体植入实践中发现,没有哪个男人对自己的阴茎长度和周长感到满意。事实上,所有年龄段的男人都担心自己的阴茎尺寸变得像古希腊雕像中的阴茎那么大。导致阴茎假体植入术难以开展的其中一个影响因素是,阳痿可导致阴茎因慢性低氧继发性纤维化而出现阴茎萎缩。接受根治性前列腺切除术的患者案例表明,如果增粗后出现阳痿或类似无效现象,那么患者的阴茎长度每 14 个月将会缩短 0.5 至 5 厘米,反之亦然。字面意思就是,不用则退。


我们的中心总共为 121 位患者进行了增粗治疗。值得重视的现象包括,每位患者平均接受了 100 cc 的注射量,从数学角度讲,我认为这并非医疗事故,我希望用我们的术前和术后照片进行论证。平均后续跟访时间为 21 个月。最重要的是,手术没有出现一例并发症,这一结果与法令纹透明质酸注射结果颇为相似。我将论证在为数不多的其中一起包皮水肿术例中,作为泌尿科医生,我们考虑到了并发症的情况。我们的研究中最重要的一项是有关患者满意度和填充剂留着率的电话访问。需要指出,有 12.5% 的患者无法被联系到。

超过 85% 的患者感到完全或基本满意,这其中又有超过 70% 的患者感到完全满意。注射 5 次以内的患者倾向于感到不满意,这一结果表明,他们之所以感到不满意,可能是由于无法完成其注射疗程。仅有一位患者感到失望,他表示两次接受注射的填充剂都被重新吸收了。

超过 92% 的患者称没有出现或出现轻微填充剂损耗。称出现填充剂中度损耗和完全损耗的患者各占 7%。





girth-8a在阴茎增粗术中,什么才能称得上是成功的尺寸增大呢?实际上,患者所希望的样子才是本题的答案。在本例中,我们仅在阴茎的 3 点钟和 9 点钟方位进行注射,从背视图来看,阴茎从 1.6 英寸增加到了 2.2 英寸,但若按照圆周计算公式 2 x pie x R 来计算,则阴茎周长从 5 英寸增加到了 6.9 英寸。事实上,在完成两次注射后,阴茎直径仅在一个轴线上得到了增长。但是,在完成 10 次注射后(此为患者平均注射次数),实测周长增加幅度为 1.9 英寸。

Before and After Girth Enhancement这是一位典型患者在接收 4 cc 透明质酸注射后得出的数据。该患者对于接收两轮注射后的阴茎外形和自然感感到满意,正如您所看到的那样,他的阴茎周长增加了至少 1 英寸。


girth-11该患者在为期 4 年的疗程中接受了至少 30 次注射,并实现了阴茎周长最大增幅。该患者代表了永不知足的一个群体。

Dr. Perito 的 Girth Enhancement Procedure(增粗术)还可用于治疗:





要想查阅 Perito Urology Girth Enhancement Press Release(Perito Urology 增粗官方通讯稿),请单击 此处


(BPH) 又称“良性前列腺增生”或“前列腺肥大”,50% 的男性到 50 岁时都受到这种疾病的影响,到 80 岁时则呈现临床显著性。病因是构成前列腺的细胞数量增多。


Perito Urology 现在推出一项安全有效的微创手术,可在减轻 BPH 症状的同时保持性功能和射精能力。

Urolift for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia


Artificial Sphincter Pic



利用与微创阴茎假体植入术 (Perito Implant™) 相似的原理,我们可以通过阴囊与肛门之间一英寸的切口来植入上述各种部件。这项手术可以在全身麻醉、脊髓麻醉或局部麻醉下安全地实施,耗时不到 15 分钟。手术可采取门诊形式或留院过夜形式,具体取决于哪一种形式对患者最安全并且最方便。

通常情况下,患者可以在 4 至 6 周之后启用植入的人工尿道括约肌。

关于 Perito Urology

作为全球最优秀的泌尿科医生之一,Dr. Paul Perito 在男性性健康和勃起功能障碍治疗领域尤其擅长,这使得 Perito Urology 成为最近 8 年来全世界首屈一指的阴茎假体植入机构。除了每年成功进行超过 500 次阴茎假体植入术之外,Perito Urology 还提供丰富多样的服务,其中包括阴茎硬结症治疗以及与勃起功能和男性健康相关的其他各种泌尿科护理。作为一家诊所,Perito Urology 的宗旨是为男性健康谱写美好未来。本诊所成功地将全面的男性健康护理集中在一处先进的设施内,为世界各地的患者提供低调隐秘的礼宾护理。诊所位于科勒尔盖布尔斯,邻近佛罗里达州迈阿密。

本诊所专攻勃起功能障碍治疗和阴茎假体植入术。Dr. Paul Perito 是治疗勃起功能障碍的专家,也是在美国运用其特色微创植入技术 (The Perito Implant™) 的第一人。在过去的 8 年里,Dr. Perito 实施的阴茎假体植入术次数超过了全球其他任何一位医生。

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[ Dr. Perito's CV ] [ Bio ] [ Byline ] [ Headshot ]

Dr. Perito 著述颇丰,撰写了大量重要课题,包括局部麻醉下的阴茎假体植入以及在阴茎假体植入手术过程中避免感染的新技术。Dr. Perito 是美国泌尿协会 (American Urological Association) 和性医学学会 (Sexual Medicine Society) 的活跃会员;这些协会帮助他创立了一项阴茎假体移植培训计划,许多有志于学习其微创技术的医生都参加了这项计划。

  • University of Maryland Medical School – Baltimore, Maryland – 1988
  • Emory University – Atlanta, Georgia – B.A. Chemistry, 1984
  • Board Certified Member of the American Urological Association
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • Member, SMS (Sexual Medicine Society)
  • Member, SPS (Society of Prosthetic Surgeons)
  • Member, SMSNA (Sexual Medicine Society of North America)
  • Member, ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine)
  • Member, AMA (American Medical Association)